Regrouping Addition and Subtraction

10:10 AM wynne 0 Comments

Addition Two Digit Numbers - using place value
Grades: 2-3

Summary: A great tool to showcase how to "carry" numbers from the ones digit to the tens.

How to integrate: Shared

Addition of 3 Digit Numbers
Grades: 2-3
Summary:  When teaching students how to regroup, sometimes it's about concept attainment and that means doing various problems using the same strategies.  When we add using regrouping it's often faster and easier to show them simultaneously instead of taking time after time designing and dragging our base-ten models onto the place value chart.  So the geniuses at E-Labs have created a "calculator" that shows how regrouping is done.  You can add up to three digits and click the "regroup" button to see how numbers are regrouped.

How to integrate: Shared, Modeled
This site is great also as a check for understanding.  Have student predict the answer and what it looks like before and after regrouping.

Regrouping Two Digit - Mini Lesson
Grades: 2-3

Summary:  A small mini lesson that teaches the idea of adding by ones then tens.

How to integrate; Shared, Modeled

Count On Convict
Grades: 2-3

Summary:  Use groups of ten to help you subtract two digit numbers.  This game breaks subtraction down step by step by using groups of ten to help you reach your answer.  It can be a bit complicated but once you get it, it's another strategy to help you with subtraction.

How to integrate: Modeled, Shared, Independent 

Subtraction Facts with Regrouping
Subtraction Facts with no Regrouping
Addition Facts with Regrouping
Addition Facts with no Regrouping

Grades: 2-3

Summary:  This is a great game for students to guide them through a step-by-step on how to add or subtract using regrouping and without regrouping.  It shows students how to break out each place value and how to borrow and regroup.

How to integrate: Modeled, Independent