As Time Goes By - Calculating Elapsed Time

10:03 AM wynne 0 Comments

Differences between Two Times
Grades: 3-5
Summary:  Need to calculate the difference from one time to another.  

 How to integrate: Shared, Independent

BBC Mission 2110 Bio-Rods!
Grades: 3-4
Summary:  Four time based games.   Students must use their knowledge of analogue and digital time to release the Mission 2110 bio-rods!

How to integrate: Shared, Independent

Elapse Time
Grades: 3-4
Summary: Move the hand of the clock to get the elapsed time or try to enter the time that has gone by.

How to integrate: Shared, Modeled, Independent

How Much Time Has Passed
Grades: 4-6
Summary: This short quiz will help your students tell how much time has passed.

How to integrate: Shared, Modeled, Independent

What Time Will It Be
Grades: 3-4
Summary: Read the problem and choose the correct answer depending on how much time has passed.

How to integrate: Shared, Modeled, Independent