Number Basics all students should know

1:31 PM wynne 0 Comments

Odd and Even - Dominion Conveyor Belt
Grades: 1-3
Summary: Create dominions by adding spots to the fit the value.

How to integrate: Shared, Modeled

Ordering Ordinal Numbers - Alien Flowers
Grades: 1-2
Summary:  Order the flowers in order from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th depending on size.

How to integrate: Shared, Modeled

Greater than or less than - Gum balls 3 digit
Grades: 3-4
Summary: Recognizing which number is greater to collect gumballs in your machine.

How to integrate: Shared, Modeled, Independent

Greater than or Less Than - Skillwise words and numerals
Grades: 2-3
Summary: Looking at the statements and choose the right symbol to make it true.  >, <  or =.  The two values will be presented in either numerals or words.

How to integrate: Shared, Modeled, Independent

Guess the Number
Guess the Number - Harder
Grades: 2-4
Summary: Reveal the clues behind the clouds and figure out the secret number.

How to integrate: Shared

Guess My Number - 1 Step and 2 Steps
Grades: 2-5

Summary: Read the clues and work backwards to figure out the number.

How to integrate: Shared

More or Less - BINGO
Grades: 2-3

Summary: Choose five numbers and then figure out the called number by solving the clues.

How to integrate: Shared

Give the Dog a Bone
Grades: 1-3

Summary: Get your students familiar with the 100 chart by using this game.  The bone is hidden on the blank 100 chart and the students must try to find the bone hidden in that square. Try to find 10 bones in 30 seconds on the number chart to win.

How to integrate: Shared, Independent

BBC Ordering Numbers
Grades: 2-3

Summary:  Help Max in the forest by choosing the numbers in the right order.  There are three levels in total, Medium, Hard and Really Hard. 

How to integrate:  Shared, Independent