Adding Strategies

Grades: 1-2
Summary: Great to use on any IWB. This game features pairs of numbers that add to ten. Students are given one number and must find the corresponding number in order to get 10.
How to integrate: Shared, Modeled
An easy to use game that shows students how to easily make any number into a friendly number.

Grades: 1-3
Summary: Adding on a number line can be tricky to show. Use this neat game that shows the jumps to destroy the castle. You can choose to hide the jumps as well.
How to integrate: Shared, Independent
Use it as a game to start your students thinking number lines and jumps.
HMH - Counting On
Grades: 1-3
Summary: Add the numbers together to find the sum by using a number line.
How to integrate: Shared, Independent

Gorilla Shopping - Counting On
Grades: 1-3
Summary: Find out how many bananas are in the pile by adding on the number picked each time. Drag the bananas to the gorilla and count as he eats them. Use the number line at the bottom to help work out the running total.
How to integrate: Modeled
Double Facts
Grades: 1-3
Summary: Click on the answer to quickly identify the double facts.
How to integrate: Shared, Modeled, Independent
Number Line - Counting On
Grades: 1-3
Summary: Create a number line and cover the numbers that you want the students to guess.
How to integrate: Modeled, Shared
Fact Family Review
Grades: 2-3
Summary: Need a little refresher on fact families? Why not use this quick flash game to remind your students the members of a fact family. Students have a choice of three numbers and two operations (addition and subtraction) and an equal sign, to create number sentences that would go into a fact family. There are ten rounds in total.
How to integrate: Shared, Modeled, Independent
Sometimes students need to see a visual and be able to click onto the numbers themselves. Why not create a math center and give each student a chance to play around and learn about fact families? This is also a great lesson to fact families.
Inverse Relationship - Fact Families
Grades: 1-3
Summary: A great illustration of fact families. Make number sentences using the three numbers provided. Save them in the bank and check your answers.
How to integrate: Modeled
Flower Petal Power - Number Facts
Grades: 1-3
Summary: Set totals for each vase to ask students to show different ways to add to the total shown on the vase. Can you make the seam total in different ways? Also try adding one flower in the vase and have students add find the missing number.
How to integrate: Modeled